Thursday, October 22, 2009


I can't believe the nerve of some people....

Me: Good afternoon my place of buisness.
No answer
Me: Good Afternoon my place of buisness.
No answer I hang up.

Those calls happen all the time. A lot of time its soliters sometimes it's a bad cell connection. Either way if they want to talk they call back.

A few moments later...

Me: Good afternoon my place of buisness
No answer.
Me: (a little louder and a little angrier) Good afternoon my place of buisness.
No answer I hang up.

A few minutes later.

Me: Good afternoon my place of buisness
Him: (very faint VERY soft VERY angry) What is wrong with you? I have asked for so and so twice and you have cut me off!
Me: (Hoping that I didn't hear what I just heard blaming it on him being WAAAAY Soft) I'm sorry what? Hello?
Him( (still faint and soft) Is there something wrong with you? I have asked for so and so twice and you have cut me off.
Me: (not putting up with this sh*t and not giving him a very nice tone) I tried twice and there was no answer both times. If you would like to speak to him now that I can hear you I can transfer you.
Him: Of course I would this is the third time!

DONE! I just sent him on his way without saying anything else. I hope so and so couldn't hear him and hung up on him too. I believe my exact words after I transfered him were " Don't get f**king p**sy with me a** hole!"

Good lord. You'd think if you heard the great twice in both phone calls that it would be on your end right? That's what I like to think. I NEVER want to deal with him again...

Monday, October 12, 2009

I just don't know sometimes....

Me: Good morning place of buisness

Him: Hi is Sam in?

Me: I'm pretty sure hold on while I transfer you.

Him: No I want to know if he's in.

Me: He should be in.

Him: Yes, but do you actually know if he's in.

Me: He's not on our out calander so he should be in but I have not physically seen him, no. Let me try transferring you.

Him: No, I need to talk to him. If he's not in then I have to speak with Lauren.

Me: Well, Sam should be in so I'm going to transfer you since he will be able to help you better than Lauren can.

Him: Will he answer his phone?

Me: Well, I can't guarentee that he's at his desk right now or in a position to pick it up and there's only one way to find out so let me transfer you.

...Needless to say he wasted more time trying to figure out if someone was going to answer a phone...which he did answer....I swear sometimes....

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Super Intelligence!

Me: Good morning my place of buisness.

Him: Hi was you all at that thing this weekend?

Me: I'm sorry?

Him: That thing this weekend, was you all there?

Me: I don't know what you are refferring to.

Him: You was selling t-shirts at that thing this weekend?

Me: You're going to have to be more specific I don't know what you are talking about.

Him: You was at that thing this weekend selling t-shirts and I'm calling the number on the reciept.

Me: Ok.

Him: was that you all?

Me: I'm not sure. I don't know what was happening this weekend. Were you trying to buy some shirts or return some shirts?

Him: Return.

Me: Ok let transfer you to So-and-so in our customer service department, he should be able to help you out.

I kid you not 15 min. later I get a call from So-and-So in our customer service deparment.

Me: hi

So-and-so: Hi so the guy on line 101 right now was at a race this weekend. I can't help him. But I think such-and-such can. Do you have his extension so I can transfer him?

Wait...are you took this guy 15 min. to realize that "that thing this weekend" wasn't enough information?! I have no idea how So-and-so coaxed it out of him but he did! I'm amazed!